Went on a 1 week field trip with a team from WAM to Tobal, the northern settlement of Aur atoll some 60 nm north of the Marshal Islands capitol Majuro as part of the assignment for the Low Carbon Sea Transport Project (LCST). Two of the emission free sailing craft built by WAM under the LCST Project (implemented by GIZ) are stationed there: a traditional korkor canoe and a HarryProa prototype (designed by Rob Denney). The HarryProa is actually a close relative to our Proasis! Both vessels offer transport service for the community without burning fuel.
Main purpose of the field trip was to check on both boats, carry out minor repairs and train locals. On this occasion the korkor was launched for the first time. This was actually a true historic moment: it was the first time a traditional Marshallese canoe has been launched in Tobal for 30 some years. Aur atoll unfortunately lost all canoes and the know how to build new ones long ago and solely relies on motorboats today.
Hopefully this project helps to revitalize the former marine capabilities of the village over the long term.
Just discovered your blog. Looks fantastic. And every month an etry. dass ist ja WUNDERBAR!
Hey, thanks!