Singlehanded Sea Trial

Took Proasis out for a few days on a singlehanded sea trial to Denmark. Aside of the pure fun and joy of sailing the main purpose was to fine tune the rig and and the general capabilities for short hand sailing.

Sailing into the sunset

It turned out Proasis is quite well suited for this. It is very easy to to find a balanced setup for almost every point of sail. Once the rudder, sheet and mast rake is adjusted properly she perfectly tracks on her course (as you can see in the video above) and hardly needs any attention on the tiller.

The free time under way was used to work on the boat. This includes a new, easier to use main sheet system. The new sheet is way easier to uncleat, adding some safety for the windy days. In addition many minor improvements of the storage system in both hulls were made. It just sucks to dig for equipment when sailing alone.

Anchored in front of Aero